Hi, Friends!

Rules keep everyone safe and happy. We support our community of gentle, respectful caregivers and truly appreciate your cooperation with our rules.

1) Read and sign the waiver at check out for admission.

2) Caregivers are responsible for their children at all times.

3) Outside food or drink are prohibited. (Baby bottles and water bottles are welcome.)

4) Only covered drinks in the playspace. Café snacks stay in our café area.

5) FOR HEALTH & SAFETY, SOCKS ARE REQUIRED IN THE PLAY AREA AT ALL TIMES. (We have socks available for purchase.)

6) Roughhousing, running, or using the playspace in dangerous or inappropriate ways is strictly forbidden.

7) Our play area is designed for under 6 years of age.

8) Please do not change diapers in the playspace, or café. Dispose of diapers in designated containers.


10) Only parties booked through us are allowed. You may NOT bring items to the play area for a celebration.